
Hamstrings, Stretch and Strengthen

  The hamstrings are a muscle group consisting of three muscles, the semitendinosus, semimbranosus, and biceps femorus muscles. Tight hamstrings cause difficulty in touching your toes, and this can lead to problems in the lower back. The practice of yoga offers wonderful ways to stretch your hamstrings, but it is also possible to overstretch the hamstrings muscles. The best way to prevent overstretching the hamstrings is by also practicing asanas that strengthen the hamstrings. There are many yoga programs, such as the ashtanga series, that incorporate elements of both stretching and strengthening into the series. But for those who are practicing on their own at home, or for yoga teachers who make their own lessons, it is important to know which asanas stretch and which strengthen the hamstring muscle group. There are some asanas that mildly stretch the hamstrings, such as adho mukha svanasana (downward dog), and prasarita padottanasana (wide-legged forward bend). Many people will ...

10 Tips to Reduce Belly Fat In Women

 Drink Water -- You've heard it before and you're going to hear it again, you must drink your water. Drink half your body weight in ounces in order to ensure that you're getting enough. If you drink 8 ounces of water, or clear broth before your meals you'll eat less, feel better and help the cause to reduce belly fat. Eat The Rainbow -- When you look at your plate you should see a variety of colors on it. Veggies and fruit of all colors will ensure that you're getting enough variety and nutrition. Try to be as colorful as possible. Include many food groups, and don't forget how important eating good fats like those in virgin coconut oil, and avocado are for healthy skin and hair. No Fast-Food -- Never eat fast food. Besides, fast food is not even food, it's actually plastic, no kidding. It's full of preservatives and chemicals. These chemicals affect your hormones in a very bad way raising your cortisol levels causing, you guessed it, belly fat. No Soda ...

Website Post 5/9/2020 ...